The Art of Hero Worship

The Art of Hero Worship - Mia Kerick
BR, February 20th with Susan, Wendy and Karlijn.

First I wanna say: as much as I love the cover, the MCs on the cover are far too old. Jason isn’t 21 years old yet and Liam is a senior in college.

I thought the first half was very good. Jason and Liam surviving a shooting at their college theatre and them having confusing feelings for each other afterwards is not that uncommon.

I actually liked what the writer was trying to tell (in mine opinion anyway);

“I love a human being, not a gender or a sexual orientation. Maybe Liam and I are the only ones who are able to see love clearly, because we love each other for reasons that don’t involve sexuality. We love for how we feel in our partner’s presence: secure, protected, and treasured, and we’re compelled to be together.”


But maybe the writer needed some more time to tell the story, to really convince the reader of their connection cause eventually it felt kinda rushed.

All in all it was an okay read.

favorite quote:

"You saved me"
"You saved me right back. Saving you saved me."