A Simple Romance

A Simple Romance - J.H. Knight 3,5 stars

The title says it all.. A simple sweet romance!!


I enjoyed it. There was little angst in the story but not much more either!!!

It’s about Skip, who’s been hurt in a previous relationship. His partner (husband) decides to leave him after 8 years. So that clearly sucked…
Skip is devastated and decides to go back to his hometown to let behind all his former memories of his relationship. He goes to live with his mother until he gets on his feet again.

He gets a job as a teacher at a high school where he meets his old time crush from his high school-years again. I loved Paul. Paul really had the patience to deal with the hurt of Skip. Skip had become very distrustful of relationships. He didn’t allow himself to believe in love any more.

Although, I understand that Skip was hurt before but come on… If you can’t see good when it’s right in front of you!!! I would marry Paul…

”You don’t wanna get your hopes up.” She let her hand fall down to his shoulder, brushed away imaginary lint, then adjusted the collar of his button-down shirt
“But it’s all about hope. Hope and love and fun and trust, and all those go better together.”

Halfway the book I was skimming. That’s never a good sign for me… Soo much words …. Wanted to slap Skip over his head!!!

I loved the secondary characters, his sister Kat, his friend Faith with her husband Johnny. Paul’s and Skip’s mothers were great too..

The sex was very well written….. So that was a big plus!
