Review: Divide & Conquer (Cut & Run #4) by Abigail Roux and Madeleine Urban

Divide & Conquer - Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban




“She’s burning, Zane!”

Hot damnnnnn.... Ty was so sweet in this!!!




*favorite moment of this book;


Zane’s pulse thrummed as he gave himself over totally into Ty’s hands, following his capable direction and floating on the music.

He’d thought about this, a slow dance with his lover, not a flashy tango or a writhing clash under a disco ball. But he’d never dreamed he would get one.
It was possibly one of the most erotic, most loving things Ty had ever done for him.

And that cliffhanger!!


Re-read BR with Julie (Audiobook), September 29th

Smexy times in the car.. Here we come!!



First read: 2013, November 28th