Review: Goodbye Paradise (Hello Goodbye #1) by Sarina Bowen

Goodbye Paradise - Sarina Bowen


Could've been 5 stars but the stunt Caleb pulled at the end really pissed me off!! I enjoyed Josh kicking his ass for it. Caleb was a lucky SOB for Josh forgiving him that soon!

But if I ignore that, this story was still a very sweet love story.



Loved the caring Josh and that idiot Caleb. Just kidding... He was loving enough and learned the lesson he needn't have to be the strongest one all the time!!

"It’s because I always needed to maintain this illusion that I could be in charge of everything. Like, if I let go of the reins for a second, everything would fall apart.”

“I get it now. I can’t always be in charge. There is so much out of my control. And I hate that. But I need to get over myself.”

The secundary characters Maggie, Daniel and Miriam were awesome too.