
I love fairy tales. And especially when it takes place in a medieval setting…..
The story reminded me a bit about “The Green Mile”. There was such a sweet giant as well!
This giant, named Brute by everyone, hasn’t had an easy life. He’s been ridiculed and put down all his life!! And still he is able to be such a caring man. One day, he rescues Prince Aldfrid from a fall that could had been his death. He’s been rewarded for saving the prince’s life and is asked to come work at the palace as a guard. This prisoner, he has to guard is the blind man, Gray and he is said to be a witch and a traitor.

I loved the world building. I just wanted to lay myself down and enjoy the story….
Brute kept doing good. He was taking care of Gray, making sure he had enough to eat, that he could clean himself. But importantly so, Brute was there at night, comforting Gray when he had these terrible dreams. Soon they felt more for each other….
I was worried how in the world could these two men escape their current life and live happily ever after??? I loved that Brute (Aric) was growing as character and getting more self esteem. And Gray was so strong, being held captive all these years..

“Don't you d-dare say you're ugly or stupid or worthless. Don't you dare! Y-you’re a giant because an ordinary man’s body is t-too small for what you are.”
And then they escaped… And I couldn’t see this going the good way for these guys, but I shouldn’t have worried….
“You offered everything you had - even your life - for the benefit of the man you love. And because you gave freely and unselfishly out of love, the only price the gods will expect of you is that the two of you continue to cherish one another and care for each other. That is payment enough.”

”But there’s one more thing you have to do.” “Oh?” Aldfrid said. “Stop calling him Brute. His name is Aric”.
Recommended to everyone who wants to read something really different!!
Review Carolien
Review Susan
Especially thanks to Carolien for joining our BR!!! It was fun!